Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Fatherly Pride and Joy

This edited screenshot comic is dedicated to all of my SessAyaInu-shipping friends, friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. This is also highly Pro-Ayame, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Sesshoumaru, and Pro-Inu-No-Taishou. So, sit back, relax, and soak in how much pride, joy, and gratitude the Dog General has instilled upon his most beloved daughter-in-law/surrogate daughter Ayame, for she has been bringing a lot of blessings to his two most beloved sons Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Furthermore, this is my contribution for this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers’ Month. 

Awareness Ribbons - Red

This Inuvember submission is a staunch reminder of how grateful we should be to the parental figures in our lives for shaping us to be the people we are today. In Ayame’s case, she may have her grandfather who has done a lot of the raising and giving her purpose in life, but the one father figure who has also done wonders for her is Toga the Dog General or Inu-No-Taishou. Even though Toga is Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s father, he still considers Ayame to be the daughter he never had because of how much good she has done to his sons’ lives and his grandchildren’s lives. Furthermore, Ayame has proven herself to be a powerful fighter by using her own strength, speed, and stamina to overcome enemies and a compassionate soul who understands Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and their sibling rivalry, thus reminding them that even they are different they are still brothers and they will always be brothers until they die. Ayame even extended that compassion to Rin, who is their only human daughter, and her eyes have ended up being opened to ensure that she will always protect the disenfranchised. Toga and Choro always knew from her birth that Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha will end up having the most unbreakable bond in the universe and that prophecy, as they would love to call it, has been fulfilled.

Toga is even more proud of Ayame for continuing to be the strong, powerful, compassionate warrior mother that she is to their children including Dai, Roku, Kai, Rin, Shiori, and Shinta. She has also done a phenomenal job of passing down the principles of respect, compassion, honor, truth, courage, selflessness, and kindness not only to her two husbands but also all of their children.

To this day, Ayame has continued to honor Dog General Toga’s legacy by showing her peerless moral support to her two husbands, fighting for what is right and truthful, helping their children become upstanding warriors, and passing on the importance of courage and compassion to their grandchildren.

In conclusion, Ayame has done a phenomenal job in not only being Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s beloved wife but also proving herself to be worthy of Toga’s trust, honor, pride, and joy to the point where he has loved her like his own daughter.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and have a blessed Thanksgiving month, everybody.

Toga, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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