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Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under The Rowdyruff Boys

Mr. and Mrs. Townsville: Butch and Blossom drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s annual Claim a PPG Pairing Month submissions, is dedicated to AIFOS-Art, Rena-Sama, The-Resident-Jinx, kaykeyser, cutie-petunia, SapphireSonicmaster, Galaxy-Gazer, Neofoxxx, anoriel-rose, Aldrine2004, CATGIRL0926, and CappuccinoDoodles who celebrated their birthdays a week ago. So, I hope you all had such magnificent birthdays and I wish you a lot… (read more)

My Redone PPG Couple Rating Chart

This Powerpuff Girls Couples Chart belongs to the amazing, indescribably awesome, and phenomenal xahCHUx who is also known on YouTube as chuusy. I am sure you are all aware of the title above but let us all just say that while some of my preferences stayed the same others have changed with much intensity. Yes,… (read more)

Mr. and Mrs. Townsville: Butch and Bubbles drawn by me

This piece of Butchubbles fan art, which is part of KatyGorl’s annual Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to XxAngel-Of-Darkness, Artfog75, Rainy–Artworks, MarJulSanSil, Tiffuh, XxCutieShippingxX, DKCissner, lordtrigonstar, Rei-Hikaru, wolfenhart, AO968, and WumoWumo who have celebrated their birthdays ranging from a few weeks ago all the way up to today. So, I hope you all… (read more)

Mr. and Mrs. Townsville: Boomer and Blossom drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s annual Claim a PPG Pairing Month submissions, is dedicated to Landsverk96, xJectART, StellasStar, little-ampharos, Siberean12, SethMendoza, TF-KidoNightmare, wobblyfox, NanakoBlaze, KatyGorl, DraccAri, Warriorgirlxp, AwesomeAmber-669, kaorinha123, Noreen-Loves-Spidey, Prodigious-Forks, Violet-Petunia, AngelLinaGarcia, YokoAnimeProductions, Mr-Samson, and szemi who celebrated their birthdays ranging from a few weeks ago to yesterday. So,… (read more)

The Complete Bunnitch Family drawn by me

This piece of Bunnitch family fan art, which is part of a long overdue art trade I have accomplished with one of my most wonderful friends and fellow artists KatyGorl, is dedicated WhompyWhomperson, xeternalflamebryx, DarkBane95, SouthJerseySam, ITBluebeadTI, transformers3roxCB, Toonman1508, XXTHELADYINTHEHOODXX, xmysticaldreamsx, MoofCookie, girlpower249, Naragon, maylen249, Puffjaved02, Kimmy-Tsunami, Catherine-Cathy, superkeegan9100, Studio-Methuselah, RailToonBronyFan3751, cmara, softbeeannie, Chopfe, tailfluffgirl,… (read more)

Lifting for their Ladies drawn by me

(Brick, Butch, and Boomer enter with dumbbells, as they start lifting them.) Brick, Butch, and Boomer: Oh, yeah. Welcome to the show, darlings. Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom: Wow! Brick, Butch, and Boomer: You like what you see? Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom: Yeah. Brick: Butterbabe, my muscles are telling you that I am the wall that… (read more)

The Best Couples from Each Pairing Category

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my wonderful Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles shipping friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, soak in that Brickercup epicness, that Blossutch gorgeousness, and that Boomubbles sweetness. This should come off as no surprise to my longtime followers of my most favorite couples from each RuffPuff pairing… (read more)

Color-Clash Couple Awesomeness and Goodness

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my most beloved color-clash or mixed color or Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossomer-shipping friends, comrades, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, soak in that Brickercup epicness, that Butchubbles loveliness, and that Blossoomer purity. I know I am going to sound like the biggest broken record imaginable but… (read more)

Main Team Xtreme Next-Gen List Revamped Again

Greetings, all ye Brickercup, Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, HarJul, and Robike shippers of the world, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. Knowing how much I treasure my most beloved OTPs of all time, especially that of the color-clash RuffPuff couples and Bunnitch, I saw it fit to give them… (read more)