Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under Inuyasha

The Epic Failure of Kouga and Ayame

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly, highly Anti-KogAya, Anti-Kouga, but also Pro-Ayame, Pro-InuAya, Pro-SessAyaInu, and Pro-Rin. So, sit back, relax, and revel in the evisceration I have in store for one of my most despised NOTPs of all time. I will say this once and I will say this again. I absolutely hate KogAya… (read more)

Kouga: Enemy Number One

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly, highly Anti-Kouga. So, revel on how much I would love to publicly execute this pathetically dastardly excuse of toxic waste by tearing him to shreds. Ladies, gentlemen, fellow Kouga-haters, let us have a recap of why this pathetic excuse of a wolf yokai warrior needs to be hunted… (read more)

A Principal Worthy of Wails, Moans, and Groans

This demotivational poster is Anti-Principal Peststrip. I am not sorry to say that he annoyed me ever since I was a thirteen-year-old boy. Sit back, relax, and revel in the evisceration I have for this principal who enjoys playing favorites with his students. Furthermore, this is my contribution to this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers’ month. … (read more)

A Loathsomely Cowardly Quartet

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly, highly Anti-Miroku, Anti-Kouga, Anti-Sango, Anti-Kagome, but Pro-MirSan and Pro-KogKag in a very perverse way. Furthermore, this is my contribution to this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers’ month.  I have a question for you all. Was there anybody you at first did not mind when you were younger, but as you… (read more)

Optimally Maximal Relationship Failures

This demotivational poster is super aggro and mega highly Anti-SessKagu, Anti-KogAya, Anti-InuKag, Anti-Kagura to some extent, Anti-Kouga to a vastly significant extent, Anti-Kagome to a huge extent, but also Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, and highly Pro-SessAyaInu. Sit back and relax, as I tear into Sesshoumaru’s and Kagura’s failure of a relationship, Kouga’s and Ayame’s major fart… (read more)