Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Romance in Jump City

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my CySara, AquaBee, SpeedStar, RobRae, KidFlinx, and BBTerra friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, soak in that CySara epicness, that AquaBee awesomeness, that SpeedStar gorgeousness, that RobRae beauty, that KidFlinx loveliness, and that BBTerra genuineness.

It should come off as no surprise that I definitely cherish Teen Titans 2003 with everything that I have, in spite some flaws it had in the flowing narrative and continuity and that cliffhanger of an ending known as “Things Change”. I do intend to make a review of Teen Titans 2003 one day and another show that I have also been cherishing so much to the point of producing a lot of fanart for this said show where my beloved OTPs are concerned. Anyways, I am here to discuss my OTPs from Teen Titans seeing that these are the six couples I have been shipping ever since I was a pre-teen and ones that I have been loving for a long, long time.

Cyborg and Sarasim are the great definitions of having a brawny brain of a man and a courageous warrior woman kicking loads of butt in the battlefield and having a lot of intimacy behind closed curtains. The fortitude they have in battle is on par with the fortitude, loyalty, and trust they have as a strong, tough, and amazing couple.

Aqualad and Bumblebee do bear some opposites with Aqualad being eloquent, classy, and dashing and Bumblebee being outspoken, street smart, book smart, and feisty. Aqualad’s articulate charm can soothe Bumblebee when she gets herself in a tizzy while Bumblebee can feel free to be entirely honest with Aqualad about anything and everything. Therefore, they would build their relationship based on respect, allegiance, and understanding. On an irreverent note, they also define a Sea-and-Air couple seeing that Aqualad is in command of the oceans and Bumblebee is not only in full command of the air but is also a meticulous, fearless, and agile combatant.

Speedy and Starfire. Ah, the classic case of the redheads in love. Speedy is a smooth-talking, rebellious, lovable prankster of an archer while Starfire is a sweet, loving, composed, and compassionate Tamaranean princess. They are akin to being the Robin Hood and Maid Marian of the twenty-first century as well as combining Speedy’s precision, focus, and skill with Starfire’s strength, speed, and athleticism to make for a formidable duo. Aside from that, both Speedy and Starfire exude charm and sweetness in their relationship without being too syrupy.

The birds sing their dark, haunting yet oddly soothing tune when Robin and Raven come into play as a couple. Robin may be large-and-in-charge, determined, competitive, and has the tendency to be overprotective and Raven may be distant, reserved, sarcastic but very level-headed but they would function in a way that both of them understand each other on a profound level. They can even show genuine support and unconditional love in trying times while keeping a good head on their shoulders and they do what they can to avoid petty arguments. Moreover, both Robin and Raven exude style, class, elegance, and both inner and outer beauty as a couple and do what they can to base their relationship on depth, compassion, understanding, allegiance, and boundless respect.

Kid Flash and Jinx are what one calls a light and dark, Yin and Yang, opposites attract couple. Kid Flash’s brand of fun, lovability, and charm is a great compliment to Jinx’s air of mystery, perilous outer shell, and lethal precision. In the battlefield, Kid Flash’s super speed can lead foes to great confusion while Jinx can give those said foes a great dose of seven years’ bad luck as punishment for their crimes. Therefore, their skills as fighters are not to be underestimated with and how they work well off of each other guarantees them that they will be in a relationship where healthy synergy can occur, thus breaking each others’ walls down to become better people.

Finally, Beastboy and Terra are a paradigm of what unconditional love, undying loyalty, and a phenomenal chemistry look and feel like. They love each other for who they are, warts and all, and will always be there for each other through thick and thin. Through self-sacrifice, compassion, lovability, attentiveness, boundless moral support, and a willingness to be each others’ bedrock, Beastboy and Terra are the touchstone examples of being in a healthy, harmonious relationship based on providing each other with trust, good humor, and clicking very well with each other.

I hope you all enjoyed this look into six of my most beloved Teen Titans OTPs of all time and I would love to know if you either agree with this and/or if you have a favorite OTP from this line-up. Please let me know in the comments below and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

Cyborg, Aqualad, Speedy, Robin, Kid Flash, Beastboy, Sarasim, Bumblebee, Starfire, Raven, Jinx, Terra, and the screenshots from “Titans East Part 1”, “Deep Six”, “Winner Take All”, “Go”, “Lightspeed”, “Sisters”, “Cyborg the Barbarian”, “Wavelength”, “Transformation”, “Divide and Conquer”, and “Titan Rising” from Teen Titans 2003 belong to Glen Murakami, David Slack, DC Comics, Warner Brothers Animation, and Cartoon Network.

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