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Posts filed under The Rowdyruff Boys

My RRB x PPG Ships: The Extra Critical Version

The original RRB x PPG shipping meme belongs to xXRuffGalXx. Moreover, this is one of my annual Red Ribbon Reviewer contributions for the year of 2019.  I am holding nothing back with this, especially from the last revamped RRB x PPG shipping meme I did. This time there is going to be no leniency, no… (read more)

I Ship Them Hard: The Soul Calibur Edition

Greetings, shippers of the world, and welcome to another session of “I Ship Them Hard”, where I make an image collage of the character OTPs I hold so close to my heart whether they be from cartoons, anime or video games. Today’s edited image collage is dedicated to all of the Sophitia x Seong Mi-Na,… (read more)

Ranking My Most Favorite RuffPuff Couples (Part 2)

Hey, everybody! Antoni, here with another written entry. Well, you have all been waiting for this. It is now time to rank my most favorite set of RuffPuff couples of all time, the Color-Clash couples. Essentially, this is the sudden death round for my most favorite set of couples, as only one couple can ascend… (read more)

The Place We Swore Fidelity in our Youth drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles fanart, which is part of SpitFireXOXO’s annual PPG Back to School contest, is dedicated to xoLauren1711ox, JasonGonzales182, Ireken-Pony1117, VapinHotPink, Sano-BR, Luna-T, Chillguydraws, ralucadraws, Absolhunter251, Luna-rii, KaylaTechHeart, itsashowtime, SmoothCriminalGirl16, AJthePPGfan, DupreeRose, purplelove55, Barnables, brentcherry, and WillAforAwesome who have celebrated their birthdays ranging from three days ago all the way… (read more)

Ranking My Most Favorite RuffPuff Couples (Part 1)

Greetings, fellow Rowdyruff Boys x Powerpuff Girls shippers of the world, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry, which is also for this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution. I have basically made this written entry as a means to continue to show my undying gratitude to the one and only KatyGorl… (read more)

Panther Babes Checking Out the Wolf Dudes

This motivational poster, which is part of the annual Inuvember submissions, is dedicated to all of my HakKar and GinShun shipping friends, fellow artists, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that HakKar gorgeousness and GinShun sweetness. This is also my annual Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution for the year of 2019. So, do… (read more)

I Ship Them Hard: The Inuyasha Edition

This edited screenshot collage, which is part of the annual Inuvember submissions, is dedicated to all of the Sesshoumaru x Kagura, Kouga x Sango, Shuran x Ayumi, Bankotsu x Kagome, Hakkaku x Karan, Inuyasha x Ayame, and Ginta x Shunran shippers from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that SessKagu… (read more)

My Redone PPG Couple Rating Chart

This Powerpuff Girls Couples Chart belongs to the amazing, indescribably awesome, and phenomenal xahCHUx who is also known on YouTube as chuusy. I am sure you are all aware of the title above but let us all just say that while some of my preferences stayed the same others have changed with much intensity. Yes,… (read more)

Romance in Jump City

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my CySara, AquaBee, SpeedStar, RobRae, KidFlinx, and BBTerra friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, soak in that CySara epicness, that AquaBee awesomeness, that SpeedStar gorgeousness, that RobRae beauty, that KidFlinx loveliness, and that BBTerra genuineness. It should come off as no surprise that I definitely… (read more)