Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under Inuyasha

A Loathsomely Cowardly Quartet

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly, highly Anti-Miroku, Anti-Kouga, Anti-Sango, Anti-Kagome, but Pro-MirSan and Pro-KogKag in a very perverse way. Furthermore, this is my contribution to this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers’ month.  I have a question for you all. Was there anybody you at first did not mind when you were younger, but as you… (read more)

Miserably Ever After II: Worthless Cowardice

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly Anti-Kouga, Anti-Kagome, but Pro-KogKag in a very perverse sense that I enjoy seeing these two fools in love getting it on because of how truly unpleasant they truly are. Sit back, relax, and revel in how much I enjoy these two losers finding love in each other as well… (read more)

A Pitiful Marriage Bound For Failure

This demotivational screenshot poster is highly, and I mean, highly Anti-KogAya or Anti-KouAya. If you like this pairing, either take what I have to say with a grain of salt or just do not bother reading this because these are all my opinions. Furthermore, this is also highly Anti-Kouga, though do expect a few Pro-Sesshoumaru,… (read more)

Mrs. Wicket About to Beat Kouga Up

Kouga has struck bad luck once again and deservedly so. This pathetic coward, Karma Houdini, bootlicker, big-bluffing blowhard, and a total disgrace to the wolf clan is one creature I would love to have seen pummeled over and over again while wearing a big grin on my face for his demise. My hair still stands… (read more)

The Most Pathetic Excuse of a Wolf Warrior Ever!

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly Anti-Kouga. So, sit back, relax, and revel in the evisceration I have in store for this miserably appalling excuse of a wolf yokai warrior from an anime series I have the most epic love-hate relationship with. When I first encountered Kouga on the small screen on Adult Swim… (read more)