Xtremely Xquisite, and Xcellent Romantic Loving
This piece of Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles fan art is dedicated to Racka aka madoli, Honey aka honeylillies, gg aka sohjk12, Goody-II-Shoes, xBooxBooxBear, Wulfie-Chann, katilyncoffee, Boomer aka BoomerStar03, SanneAdeen, Sweatshirtmaster, Arygles, Camaro–Princess, Gashi-gashi, Lucia aka PurpleWonderPower, Lolanumber111, Kacy S. aka nintendomaximus, GeoffNET, puppet-puppy, Allison Nyx aka ScarletGhostX, Baliya, Samantha Witten aka celesse, CottonCandyGrl1969,… (read more)