Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under Screenshot Collage

Unconditional Love Throughout the Ages

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my InuAya-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren who really love the prospect of Inuyasha and Ayame as an awesome power couple.  Pairing Inuyasha and Ayame up as a power couple has definitely inspired me to concoct my own AU headcanon of them starting off as childhood… (read more)

I Ship Them Hard: The Adult Swim Anime Edition

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of the Inuyasha x Ayame, Ginta x Shunran, and Kiba x Cheza shippers from all over the world.  Inuyasha and Wolf’s Rain. What do these two anime series have in common? They both aired on Adult Swim in the early to mid-2000s and they even found themselves… (read more)

The Splendid Seven Are Coming At You

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren who really love Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran aka The Splendid Seven, SessAyaInu in the OT3 sense, ShuHak in the BroTP sense, GinShun in the OTP sense, Sesshoumaru x Shuran x Hakkaku in the BroT3 sense, Inuyasha… (read more)

A Bicep-Flexing Battle Between Two Jungle Kings

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my George of the Jungle and Tarzan-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and revel in the sight of Tarzan’s and George’s magnificently bulging biceps of steel. What is more alluring, sexy, and awesome than seeing just one African jungle lord flexing his… (read more)

Muviro vs Tarzan: A Match I Would Pay To See

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my Muviro and Tarzan-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and revel in Muviro’s and Tarzan’s epic wrestling match against each other. Ah, “Tarzan and the Eagle’s Feather”, one of my most favorite episodes from Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan. I mainly love… (read more)

I Ship Them Hard: The Inuyasha Edition

This edited screenshot collage, which is part of the annual Inuvember submissions, is dedicated to all of the Sesshoumaru x Kagura, Kouga x Sango, Shuran x Ayumi, Bankotsu x Kagome, Hakkaku x Karan, Inuyasha x Ayame, and Ginta x Shunran shippers from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that SessKagu… (read more)

Falling in Love Townsville Style Version 2

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of the wonderful Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, Bunnitch, HarJul, and Robike shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup epicness and awesomeness, that Butchubbles lovability and cuteness, that Blossoomer beauty and genuineness, that Bunnitch loveliness and versatility, that HarJula fun and amazement, and that Robike… (read more)

Falling in Love Townsville Style

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of the amazing Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, HarJul, and Robike shippers out there. So, sit This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of the amazing Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, HarJul, and Robike shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and soak in that… (read more)