Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under OTP

Bankotsu and Kagome: Delightfully Anti-Heroic

This screenshot motivational poster is dedicated to all of my Bankotsu x Kagome-shipping friends, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that BanKag awesomeness. Throughout my life, I went from being low-key shipping BanKag when I was fourteen years old to really high-key shipping this couple when I reached sixteen years old…. (read more)

I Ship Them Hard: The Inuyasha Edition

This edited screenshot collage, which is part of the annual Inuvember submissions, is dedicated to all of the Sesshoumaru x Kagura, Kouga x Sango, Shuran x Ayumi, Bankotsu x Kagome, Hakkaku x Karan, Inuyasha x Ayame, and Ginta x Shunran shippers from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that SessKagu… (read more)

The Seven Splendid Couples of Feudal Era Japan

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my SessKagu, KouSan, BanKag, ShuAyu, HakKar, InuAya, and GinShun shipping friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Sesshoumaru x Kagura sexiness, that Kouga x Sango spice, that Bankotsu x Kagome elegance, that Shuran x Ayumi loveliness, that Hakkaku x… (read more)