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SessAya vs InuAya

This screenshot motivational poster is highly, utterly, and absolutely Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, Pro-SessAya, Pro-InuAya, and Pro-SessAyaInu. Sit back, relax, and have a happy and blessed Valentine’s Day with two of my favorite non-canon shippings for Ayame consisting of two gallantly valorous dog yokai warriors.

This Valentine’s Day is going to be quite special because I would also like to invite you to comment below if you are for Team SessAya or if you are for Team InuAya. I am fully aware these two pairings existed in neither the anime nor the manga, but both of them are plausible in their own special ways.

I may have been a longtime InuAya shipper, but SessAya is just as fascinating and I grew to love it so much for reasons you will find out. I  have pit these two pairings against each other to see which one will come out on top. 

Since this is going to be tough for me to decided, I have judged SessAya and InuAya in the following criteria: common interests, duty and fidelity, authenticity and genuineness, familial establishment, encouragement, moments of intimacy, and unconditional love.

With that said, let us commence this match-up between SessAya and InuAya.

Common Interests
Even though Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame are different in terms of class, race, and personalities, there are attributes which they have in common. They have male role models they look up to, they are strong in their own ways, and they show no signs of quitting. There is no doubt that Sesshoumaru and Ayame would realize that their sense of determination, courage, strength, and valor can bring them together. However, Inuyasha and Ayame also have those traits and more, such as their strong personalities, unwillingness to let their weaknesses overpower them, and willingness to head straight into battle without anything or anybody holding them back. Therefore, at the end of the day, both SessAya and InuAya receive one point, as both pairings realize that they do have a lot more in common than they think.

Duty and Fidelity
This is where SessAya is going to edge out InuAya in because of Sesshoumaru committing to wearing the pants in his relationship with Ayame. In return, Ayame would exceed at fulfilling her spousal duties with Sesshoumaru while making him appreciate that she is no damsel in distress and can actually do wonders in raising their children. Given that Sesshoumaru is a nobleman and Ayame is a wolf yokai warrior queen, there is no way that infidelity will ever creep into their lives and they will kick it out the door, thus demonstrating steadfastness and decorum until their dying day, both in public and in private. This is also true in how they would make both The Western Lands and The Northern Yoro Tribe thrive and survive in terms of economy, warrior power, and influence. InuAya is a bit more lax and flexible in its approach to duty and fidelity, as they can continue to show loyalty and attentiveness towards each other and demonstrate the firmness in their relationship. This makes SessAya receive another point, thus having two points so far.

Authenticity and Genuineness
InuAya has this one under the bag. While Sesshoumaru and Ayame do bear that authenticity and genuineness in their relationship, in the sense that both can be transparent to each other, it is still hindered by Sesshoumaru trying to be over his emotions and attempting to do everything he can just to keep decorum going on for the sake of political unity between The Western Lands and The Northern Yoro Tribe. Why I believe InuAya edges out SessAya in authenticity and genuineness is mainly attributed to how both Inuyasha and Ayame can be themselves towards each other and not be afraid of letting their bad and good sides be on full show. That is not to say that Sesshoumaru and Ayame cannot let their good and bad sides out in full show, but it is a lot more tactful and measured while maintaining that sense of respect. Inuyasha and Ayame are not only going to respect each other, flaws, warts, good sides, and triumphs and all, but also cherish just how real they can be towards each other while building each other up. InuAya then receives another point and now it is tied with SessAya.

Familial Establishment
Both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are definitely great spousal candidates for Ayame, given how valorous, courageous, and brave both brothers are. However, it is Sesshoumaru who is going to bring home the bacon as a stern yet inwardly loving patriarch to his family with Ayame by his side as the determined and kind matriarch of said family. In Sesshoumaru’s and Ayame’s family, there will be no roughhousing, no disorder, and no obnoxiousness. In their roof, it is only honesty, responsibility, respect, decorum, conscientiousness, and security which will reign supreme. Inuyasha and Ayame would also have a well-established family of warriors. Even though their principles are based on determination, perseverance, responsibility, respect, courage, hope, and persistence, Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s family would be a little bit more lax with their rules, which is not to imply that their children would grow up to be delinquents. Far from it, the InuAya family’s children would actually grow up to be valorous, strong warriors with nerves of steel. So, this is where SessAya edges out because of how much more orderly their family dynamics would be in stark comparison to InuAya, thus making SessAya garner another point and is now, so far, ahead of InuAya.

Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s brand of encouragement towards Ayame does vary differently, but theirs are equally effective. While Sesshoumaru is not going to go all out and cheer for Ayame, he is going to acknowledge Ayame’s strengths as a warrior and as a person and remind her that she is more than just some wolf yokai princess. Knowing how well Ayame fights, Sesshoumaru would endeavor to spur her on to never let anything or anybody get her down and keep good sight of her dignity if she does not want to be taken advantage of. Inuyasha would be more vocal about his encouragement for Ayame to keep fighting on and he will always be at her side. Where Ayame is concerned, she is also going to be extremely encouraging of both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha to not let their differences get the best of them and will always root for their strength and courage to be forever ingrained in everything they do as warriors and as individuals. Despite the varying methods of encouragement, both SessAya and InuAya receive a point, with SessAya still in the lead.

Moments of Intimacy
Prepared to get your gussets heated up, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be quite a wild night for both SessAya and InuAya in terms of how they perform in bed. Sesshoumaru and Ayame are a lot more tactful and analytical of how they would perform first base, second base, and third base, with Sesshoumaru’s touches soothing Ayame whenever she gets riled up and Ayame’s massages ensuring that Sesshoumaru is not too tense. Therefore, they can help each other unwind in ways they could never imagine. Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s nights of lovemaking amp up the intimacy, the spice, the excitement, and that cushioning effect they would have when all is done. Moreover, Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s brand of intimacy demonstrates a whole lot more variety, as they achieve a huge gamut of sensations and sentiments when they are together, which goes nicely hand-in-hand with how much they do not just love each other for their bodies, but also their souls and their characters. While SessAya might get a point from this, it is InuAya who will end up attaining that point. It looks like this is another tie score in total for both SessAya and InuAya.

Well, folks, there is only one attribute which will break this tie score for good and make one of these two pairings the ultimate winner. Let us prepare for the factor known as unconditional love.

Unconditional Love
I think I know which pairing is going to receive this point, but first, the significance of unconditional love to both SessAya and InuAya. Sesshoumaru and Ayame would indubitably display encouragement, loyalty, fidelity, and steadfastness towards each other to ensure a happy, healthy home for them and for their family. While their is a lot of dutiful love in the family and some moments where they are not afraid to let their hair down, they still have to keep up appearances and do so with bravado, pride, and a brave face. Through everything Inuyasha and Ayame are defined as in terms of being in a relationship, this is where InuAya wins. They will not flinch at each others’ bad sides, they will embrace each other for everything and every aspect that they are, they will never abandon each other, and they will always love each other regardless of what happens. Their interpersonal support is the defining factor of what makes InuAya’s sense of unconditional love all the more worth rooting for. This is imperative because both Inuyasha and Ayame can be themselves towards each other and cherish each other for who they are and not who they think they should be. Therefore, InuAya wins with 5 points in total, as opposed to SessAya’s total of 4 points.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this was definitely a close call for both SessAya and InuAya. However, I always knew that InuAya was going to win this match-up because of that wild card known as unconditional love. The fact that this was the one attribute which made InuAya triumph is why I stuck by my OTP for the longest time. SessAya is still a pairing I love so much to the point where I would combine this and InuAya as my OT3 for life. However, while I still love SessAya to my heart’s content, InuAya is one pairing I always rooted for from the very beginning. That is why InuAya stands tall and victorious as my personal favorite pairing for Inuyasha and Ayame.

I would also to hear from you. Do you agree with this assessment? Do you also prefer InuAya over SessAya or vice-versa? Do you prefer both? Why do you support one or the other? Please comment below or make your own response and let me know.

I hope you all enjoyed this match-up between SessAya vs InuAya and I hope to hear which of these two you prefer. Take care, stay safe, and have a Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody.

Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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